The joint mission of the Embassy of Japan, Japanese Business Club and prefecture of Yamaguti headed Toehisha Kodzuki, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Russia, visited the enterprises of Kuban for three days.
In particular, the delegation visited the enterprises of Agricultural Holding "Kuban" where lean technologies based upon the "kaizen" philosophy are being implemented. The delegates visited the service center named after Gubar at Ladoga corn calibration plant, dairy farm No.4 and sugar plant "Svoboda". The Ambassador of Japan and a number of entrepreneurs expressed their intention to visit the Agricultural Holding "Kuban" repeatedly for thorough study of the experience of implementing lean technologies for operation of agricultural & production complex enterprises.
Moreover, the delegation organized a mission to Novorossiysk where it inspected the waters of the maritime port and met the senior management of "Novorossiysk maritime commercial port". The Japanese expressed their interest in the participation of their companies in the port projects.
The businesspersons familiarized themselves with the work of the "Japanese Center "Kaizen" in Krasnodar that is dealing with the promotion of kaizen philosophy and Japanese management technologies on the basis of TPS and T-TPS in the educational sector, municipal and regional authorities, industry and services sector on the South of Russia. The presentation of the company "Basel Airo" was conducted at the international airport of Krasnodar for the delegation.
The press-service of the administration of Krasnodar region.