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The government of Russia approved the target models of simplification of business keeping procedures and improvement of investment attractiveness of the regions

12 target models present a set of certain changes in regional and municipal legislation enabling to dramatically reduce the terms for receiving these or those conclusions, issuance of permits and conducive to mitigation of administrative barriers and simplification of business keeping conditions.

The target models were developed by the Ministry of economic development of Russia in conjunction with ANO "Strategic initiative agency on promotion of new projects" on the basis of best practices of the country regions and contain compulsory target indicators.

The detailed information on target models is contained in the decree No.147-r of the Government of the Russian Federation as of January 31, 2017.

In the near term, it is planned to approve the "roadmap" on implementation of target models in the region.

The application of similar tools will enable to improve the regional regulatory & statutory base, improve the institutional environment in the region and ensure comfort conditions for implementing investment and entrepreneurship activities.

The target indicators will be achieved via implementation of the regional "roadmaps" on improvement of the investment climate in each of the streams.

For reference:

The executive authorities of Krasnodar region has been cooperating with the Strategic Initiative Agency since 2013 by active participation in all pilot projects aimed at improving the investment and entrepreneurship environment.

In 2014 the Regional investment Standard enabling to improve the investment climate in Kuban in a quality way was implemented in Krasnodar region.

Over the last few years, the region has been steadily holding the first place as a region with the least risks for investors (according to Expert-RA rating) and ranks among the most investment attractive constituent entities of the Russian Federation.