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Exports of oilseeds to the Kuban increased fourfold over the year

In 2023, the Krasnodar Territory almost quadrupled its exports of oilseeds. Kuban exported more than 230 thousand tons of crops, Interfax reports with reference to the Novorossiysk branch of the Grain Quality Assessment Center.

The region mainly supplied flax, safflower, sunflower, mustard and coriander seeds. The largest supplies went to China, Egypt, Iraq, India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Bahrain and Morocco.

The Krasnodar Territory is one of the largest Russian regions that produce sunflower oil. More than 20% of all supplies from the Russian Federation come from Kuban, the regional Ministry of Agriculture reports. In 2023, 1.3 million tons of sunflower were harvested in the region.