The main activity of the district is
Head of the Municipal Formation Otradnaya District
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
We offer you to take a closer look at the Municipal Formation Otradnaya District. The Otradnaya District is located in the south-eastern part of the Krasnodar Region, on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range.
It shares borders with the Stavropol Region on the east, with the Karachayevo-Cherkessian Republic on the south, and with the Novokubansk, Labinsk and Mostovskoy Districts of the Krasnodar Region on the north and west. The population of the district is 64.8 thousand people.
Our district preserved its pristine nature in the age of industry and technological progress. The district has clean air, fast and transparent rivers and the flora and fauna amaze with its diversity. The district has a mild climate – there are nearly 300 sunny days a year here. The wealth of underground stores with mineral resources, mineral and thermal waters, extensive recreational resources, pastures and Alpine meadows are the basis for the investment activity of the Municipal Formation.
Nature generously endowed the area with mineral recourses and thermal springs and sights of our nature. This gives us confidence that resorts of the Otradnaya District will operate in the coming years, become a source of replenishment of the district budget and contribute to the health and recreation of the people living on Kuban.
The district became a participant of the regional program for the development of tourism and balneotherapy. This is a completely new direction in the district economy.
The construction of the Medunitsa balneological complex with the possibility of mineral water wells operating is important for the district. The implementation of the project will contribute to the development of the tourist infrastructure.
The processing of dairy products from personal subsidiary farms is actively developing today. Many shops created by private investors are available in the district currently, which buy and process milk produced by the personal subsidiary farms of our district.
The production and sale of beekeeping products: honey, royal jelly and bee bread – is very promising for our settlements now. Currently, residents of the district are carrying out this activity on 150 beeyards and their number continues to grow. A new type of treatment for various diseases, apiphytotherapy, has been introduced.
To start the development and implementation of all these projects has enabled active investment activities of the Administration of the MF of the Otradnaya District and Administrations of rural communities, which have done everything possible to eliminate any administrative barriers for our investors. The unlimited possibilities of the sub-mountain region of the Otradnaya District will undoubtedly attract investors.
We strive to create all conditions necessary for the comfortable development of the business in the district. The regulatory system for providing land plots was developed and adopted.
The Administration of the Municipal Formation Otradnaya District is open for cooperation with Russian and foreign partners and is ready to consider any mutually beneficial proposals.
Head of the Municipal formation Otradnaya district
Volnenko Andrey Vladimirovich